Cadishead Rhinos

Salford | £500,000

This project funding by Hamilton Davies Charitable Trust, Sport England and Salford City Council was to demolish a redundant municipal building and construct on a design and build basis a new Rugby Club Pavilion for Cadishead Rhinos. Five years in its inception, the construction programme was six months. The driving force for this project was the social regeneration of the Irlam and Cadishead area. The rugby club carries many junior and senior teams with children from as young as eight years of age being encouraged to play the game. Great emphasis is placed on the club’s social responsibility role.

Due to this project being built on a brown field site, careful monitoring of the existing contamination issues were required. A piled foundation with a reinforced concrete ground beam was required. Budget was always a consideration and careful value engineering and financial management was required to bring this project in under budget and with zero defects.