Rugeley Swimming Baths

Wigan | January 2022 | £383,000

We replaced the circulation pipework fittings and connections into the existing trenches as and concreted in situ with waterproof concrete.

New Suction grilles and frame were fitted over existing 600 x 600 sump, frame and grille installed and set flush with the pool finishes, fixed stainless-steel fixings.

All new circulation pipework was pressure tested with the existing circulation pipework, providing a commissioning test report.

Complete replacement of the pool cover system to an automated system.

Scope of Services:

Following the closure of the pool during the pandemic, the client noticed cracking in the existing tiles in the main pool. After removing the existing tiles and carrying our remedial works to the pool tanking, we fully re-tiled the pool interior, resealed the overflow channel and fully re-tiled the pool deck.

The pool tank had areas of concrete corrosion saw cut out, the exposed reinforcement was prepared and Fosroc Anti Corrosion primer Nitoprime zinc rich plus applied. The concrete was then coated with Renderoc HB45 and Nitobond ARC surface finish then overcoated with Nitocoate EP405 epoxy coating, this tanked the existing structure and provide a good grounding for the new tiling.